When Life Feels Sucky: Simple Ways to Cheer Yourself Up

It’s a fact of life that grumpy moods happen. Even to happy people. 

Sometimes you know why you’re grumpy, and other times – the grumps seemingly appear from nowhere. And the worst part? The longer you stay in grumpsville, the harder it is to leave. Spoken from experience, of course.

Too often, we rely on others to cheer us up. Having good friends and family is definitely a blessing, but it’s never their job to cheer us up. 

Getting un-grumpy is a personal responsibility. 

In my quest for alleviating grumpiness as quickly as possible, I have discovered a few simple ways to cheer myself up. Maybe they’ll cheer you up too? It’s worth a try.

Watch funny videos. 
Youtube it up. There are hours and hours of grumpiness-alleviating videos available for free, 24/7. Bloopers can be great too. Some of my personal favourite mood-boosting videos include this one, this onethis one, this one, and these ones too. 

Hang with an animal.

When I feel grumpy, my dog always cheers me up. Sometimes he makes me laugh (especially when I dress him up), sometimes he stares deep into my eyes as I tell him my problems, and sometimes he just sits beside me and lets me pet him as long as I need to (what a generous doggy, right!?). It’s impossible for me to remain grumpy when a dog is around



Get outside.
Mother nature is a miraculous healer. She really knows how to put things in perspective.  Don’t underestimate the power of a walk in nature – it can totally change your day. And remember to breathe deeply!

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Sit still for a bit. Clear your mind and focus on just one thing – your breath, a candle, a sound. Sit or lay down to be most comfortable. Connect your energy to mama earth and picture golden light flowing in through the top of your head. Listen closely. What do you hear? Let go of thoughts about succeeding and stay in the present moment. Resist the urge to think and just BE.  


Give to someone else.
Donate physical items to people and places that need them (shelters, community centres, etc). If you have it, give your time – there’s no shortage of volunteer opportunities out there. Or even just spend 5 minutes sending good loving vibes to someone who needs it (and there’s always someone who needs it). The point is to stop focusing on your own crap and remember how much you have to give. 


Craft something awesome (or something awful)
When you’re feeling grumpy, craft something awesome (or something awful). Get out of your head and into your body. Create something beautiful, or something that makes you laugh, or something to give to a friend or loved one. We’re not looking for perfection here, just pleasure. It’s the act of actually making that is important. 


Chocolate. Lots of chocolate.
Did I even need to say that?! 


Indulge in major self-care.
Check in with yourself to determine what would make you feel amazing in this very moment. What can you do right now to change your day around?  

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