Reading the Unknown: Trusting All the Nudges, Even (Especially!) the Strange Ones

There is a specific process I use for each new client with whom I share Intuitive Energy Healing.

The exact details are:

  • Perform the long-distance Reiki and crystal healing without asking many questions or knowing many details. 
  • Go into it completely open and see what happens.

Some people are surprised by this approach. How will I know what to address with Reiki if we don’t talk about it first? 

There are a few answers to this question, the first being: “The Reiki always knows where to go.” Regardless of where I direct it, the Reiki always reaches its destination. Who am I to tell Reiki what to do? It goes where it’s needed most.

Reiki always finds its destination

The second answer is: By knowing as little as possible about a person before sharing Intuitive Energy Healing with them, I am unbiased and free of preconceptions. In other words, my mind won’t direct the Reikil; one’s own need for Reiki will direct the Reiki.  

Plus: It’s super-fun this way! The less I know at first, the more I will uncover. That’s the best part – the discovery, the learning, the uncovering, the hide-and-seek. Learning to trust my intuition has never been so exciting!

(This might be a good time to mention that I still share Reiki with people when I know lots about them – family and friends included. It just takes a bit more effort to let go of what I know and remain unbiased.)

Sometimes while sharing Reiki with someone, I receive intuitive messages that seem strange. A word, a phrase, a feeling, a scent. For a split second, it passes through my mind – “What does that mean? Will they think I’m crazy when I share this with them?”

There’s always that possibility. 

But, it doesn’t stop me. No matter how weird or unconventional the message I have received, I will find a way to relay it to the client. It is, after all, their information; I just happened to intercept it first.  

Such was the case with Fiona. Prior to our long-distance Reiki session, I knew nothing of Fiona other than her name. I had no specific agenda for our time together, just a knowing that she had requested Reiki. That’s enough for me!

What I discovered during our ten minute session – and later shared with Fiona – was both strange (to me) and helpful (for her). The best combo. 

Read on for Fiona’s story:

Hi Fiona! Thank you for being open to receiving the Reiki energy yesterday.

The first thing I picked up was a need for healing at your stomach. Are you experiencing anxiety and stress? Is it taking a toll on your stomach? I asked for specific messages and received “yoga”, “stress”, and “thicker skin”. Does this mean anything to you? Would yoga help to reduce your stress, thus reducing your stomach pain/issues? Would you benefit from having a thicker skin so the stress doesn’t get to you?

When I asked if there were foods you should avoid to help your stomach, I received “Peppers”. I also got a strong sense of “activated charcoal” as something that may help you. I don’t know much about it but may be something worth investigating if it interests you.   

In the area between your navel and ankles, the energy felt thick, dark, and heavy. Are you feeling immobilized in some way? Are your legs feeling heavy or stuck?  

This sensation I felt here could also be related to an energy leak around your first chakra, resulting in feeling unrooted, lonely, and experiencing self-doubt, shame, and addictive behaviours. Nurturing and protecting your first chakra can be helpful for the whole chakra system, as it is the first through which all energy flows. 


Fiona: Thank you Judy. Your intuition is right on point! 

Yesterday I began my menstrual cycle and was in fact dealing with stomach pain all day. This has become common for me. I’ve got to holistic doctors in this past year, and they have told me that I have digestive issues due to an overgrowth in the intestinal bacteria called “candida.” My holistic doctor said this mainly was caused because of my STRESS! And that I needed to work on getting my stress levels down in order to heal my body. 

It’s incredible how I keep getting so many messages from the universe to work on my first chakra and get my stress levels down. It really is beginning to take a real toll on my health.  

I took a look at “activated charcoal” and it seems like something I should definitely try out. It relates perfectly to the small and large intestine (which are my main issues) and helps the body to get rid of toxins we absorb through food. I definitely will be trying this out. 

The universe also keeps telling me to do yoga! For the past month, it’s all I’ve been thinking about. I’ve tried to get friends involved and they continue to procrastinate the idea, and as a result, so have I. But I am fully convinced now that I will embark on this journey myself, for myself. 

Yesterday, I went for a morning run. My legs were so tight. I generally always complain about how tight my muscles and tendons are. It hurts a lot when I stretch. I started doing yoga poses on the running track and all I kept thinking is how I want to get better at this. I need to work on this area so much. 

I’ve been very much focusing on growing my business these past months, and my major stresses have revolved around money, and of course like you mentioned, self-doubt and addictive behaviors (eating unhealthy foods). This is taking a toll on my health. This is a perfect reminder of finding that balance again in my life and not to neglect my body. 

Wow! THAT right there is why I LOVE what I do!

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