Personalized Gemstone Power Packs Save the Day!

There is nothing quite like a personalized gemstone power pack.

Within a sassy little handmade cotton pouch on a long drawstring cotton cord lay a few specially chosen stones. Worn around the neck, close to the heart, they hold the warmth of your body.

PersonGemstonSome days it’s Orange Kyanite, Tiger Eye, and Tibetan Quartz. Other days it’s Rhodonite, Amazonite, Aventurine, Amethyst, and Citrine. And then there are the Shiva Lingam, Rainbow Moonstone, and Moonstone days.

In these photos, you can see 2 of the gemstone power packs that I recently put together for a few of my energy healing clients.  

How did I choose? Well after 3 of our scheduled 6 sessions together, I noticed that each person had tended towards different gemstones and crystals during our long-distance Reiki sessions. My notes showed which stones I had used 2 and 3 times, and from that short-list I chose the top 5 stones.

Like usual, I went with my intuition, and when I couldn’t find the most perfectly beautiful piece of Amber for Samantha, I chose Aquamarine instead. I also recommended that Samantha try to find some Amber for herself, for its gentle healing properties. 

Power packsOn the left, Maggie received Carnelian, Blue Lace Agate, Yellow Calcite, Amazonite, and Labradorite. This is a seriously wonderful gemstone power pack.

Carnelian is earthy and rich and helps to connect with strong, feminine energy.

Blue Lace Agate opens and supports the throat chakra, encouraging confident communication and speaking of one’s truth.

Yellow Calcite – Oh how I love thee! So beautiful and healing and supportive. Everyone needs some Calcite.

Amazonite is another favourite, for it’s relationship enhancing and heart-opening qualities.

And Labradorite, oh Labradorite. One of my most favourite gemstones ever. Supportive during transformation while encouraging the reclaiming of personal power. Earthy, deep, and grounding. 

Power packsOn the right, Samantha received Rainbow Moonstone, Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Amethyst, and Sodalite. Super powerful and very healing. 

Rainbow Moonstone is great for female health, especially reproductive issues. I use it often when I sense a heavy, achey energy within a women’s womb area (which is pretty often, but we’ll get to that another time). 

Aquamarine is the best. It’s soft, harmonizing, loving energy helps to open, cleanse, and comfort the heart. 

Bloodstone is one of my most-used gemstones during long-distance Intuitive Energy Healings, mostly for its grounding and stabilizing properties. 

Amethyst, Amethyst, Amethyst. Everyone needs Amethyst. Very healing, heart-opening, and connected to the Divine. 

And Sodalite. I love Sodalite. Confident, clear, supportive, and strong. Yes, yes, yes!

I loved every minute of creating these gemstone power packs. From sewing the pouch to choosing the stones, each one is filled with love, positive intentions, and Reiki symbols. Very powerful healers indeed.

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Personalized Gemstone Power Packs Save the Day! — 1 Comment

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