Wishful Thinking or Intuition? Find Out for Yourself

Ever wonder if you’re psychic – or just prone to coincidence?

Do you question your own intuitive nudges, passing them off as wishful thinking?

Intuition or wishful thinking

Here is a recent chat I had with a friend about these very issues. Read on:

Q: Hi Judy! I have always truly believed that some people have the psychic ability to sense our souls energy after it leaves this physical world. I can hear things, and I see flashes but not physical beings. I wonder sometimes if its just wishful thinking or I’m just being silly. But my body rushes and tingles when an energy is near. And I foresee things all the time… At first I thought it coincidence but it happens daily. Like l will think of someone and pick up the phone to call and they are already on the line… This happens a few times a day. What do you think? How can I interpret this? – Tatiana


A: Hi Tatiana, Thank you for this wonderful question. It sounds to me like your intuitive abilities are nudging you to begin exploring and expanding.  

Many intuitive and psychic people question their own abilities, brushing off strange occurrences or intuitive nudges as wishful thinking, silliness, or imagination. Some people wind up thinking they are crazy because that’s what we’ve always been told about people who see and hear unexplainable things.

It seems like the energy wants to come through with messages but maybe you haven’t quite asked for it yet, or you’re not as open as you’d like to be so it’s getting a bit stuck. That energy wants to move and it will keep teasing you until you just invite it in and begin using it more. Don’t fear this at all, it’s not bad or scary, it’s just a part of yourself you haven’t yet discovered.

Spirit does not interfere with free will, so when we make a choice ‘not to go there’ or not to dig deeper into our experiences, we shut it down. Which is ok – nothing wrong with doing that. But sometimes we forget we’ve shut it down, and then messages are fragmented and unclear. We don’t see the whole picture, and we are unable to decipher what is happening, and why.

By inviting spirit in, and asking specific questions to clear psychic pathways for information to begin moving in, we begin to gain clarity on what is happening, and why. It is amazing what comes from simply asking your own internal spirit “What messages do you have for me?”

Personally, I say “Show me what I need to see, and tell me what I need to hear. And make it clear so I can understand.” And it usually works. Spirits and angels can sometimes make things really cryptic and secretive, so stating that you want simple, understandable guidance is important. 

The more you explore, the more sense it makes, and the more life begins to reflect back to you the very things you have been seeking. Cheesy sounding but true!

My best advice is practice. Let go of judgment about what happens (or doesn’t happen) and allow yourself to be surprised. Begin paying more attention, and keep track of your occurrences in a journal. Try meditation to get in touch with your guides. Ask questions. Listen for the answers.  The universe works in mysterious ways. Be open to receiving its messages.


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