How to Cultivate More Abundance with This Simple Daily Practice

If you haven’t noticed, abundance is a bit of a buzzword these days.
It’s a popular subject for many of us.

And with good reason.  

Abundance is appealing. It just feels good. It looks good, it sounds good.
It is good. I like abundance. I want abundance. Don’t you? 

True abundance has to do with being welcoming and receptive to all that is available to you. Being abundant is a state of mind and a way of life. Experiencing abundance is a natural part of life.

Perhaps you are familiar with the idea, popularized by ‘A Course in Miracles’ and subsequently Marianne Williamson’s work, that miracles are regular everyday occurrences. It is stated that a big miracle is no harder to achiever than a small miracle. A miracle is a miracle is a miracle. Place your order and know that it is so. 

Well. Abundance is somewhat the same. Having a lot of abundance is not harder than having a little bit of abundance. It’s all available to you. But it does take practice. 

Abundance is consciously created; you must be open to receiving it. Within its simplicity hides a need for dedication and discipline. To say that having abundance is easy would be misleading. Simple, yes; easy? Not quite.

We humans tend to over-complicate things. We over-think, over-analyze, and under-trust. We like proof, stats, methods, and rules. We look for certainties, we expect outcomes, and we pre-plan, sometimes to our detriment. 

You could say we get in the way of the natural flow of life. 

Abundance is not something you can engineer or control. It is not something you do, but rather something you relax into. It’s a feeling, a sense, a knowing. 

Take a look at nature. There is abundance everywhere. From blades of glass to raindrops to ants. Abundance. 

How do flowers know they will get enough rain? Why do baby birds trust their mothers to provide fresh food? What about all that sunshine? Abundance.

Feeling abundant is the first step to having abundance. If you can appreciate what you already have, it will put you in the right frame of mind to attract more of what you want. Like attracts like.



Take this example: A very generous friend gives you a beautiful gift. You take it, say thank you, and she gives you another gift. This cycle continues and you are happy and well-gifted for as long as you want. You are consciously creating a situation of abundance and gratitude.

Alternately, if you refuse your friend’s gift, or accept it with disdain, she may feel unappreciated and undervalued. If you refuse to acknowledge her efforts with heartfelt gratitude, she may very well stop giving you anything. 

So. What does that tell you? The more you communicate your pleasure with a situation, the more that situation will benefit you. In other words: The more gratitude you have, the more abundance you will experience. 

Having a daily gratitude practice is the best way to cultivate abundance. Being grateful for what you already have is the best way to create more of what you want. 

Right now, try this: Write down 5 things that you are grateful for. Big things, small things, obvious things, strange things. Any things. 

Then, write down 5 more. You can do this. Dig deep if you need to. No matter how bad your day (or life!) might seem, I guarantee you have 10 things to be thankful for. Acknowledge them. Recognize their significance. Feel the gratitude. 

Now, answer this: Where in your life are you craving more abundance? Write down 5 things you want more of. Love, freedom, success, relaxation, money, jewelry, food, security, trust, faith, friends. Big things, small things, obvious things, strange things. Any things. 

Drop the self-judgment and get real with yourself by
admitting what you really want. 

It’s not for you to decide HOW to make it happen, or WHEN to make it happen. It’s simply your task to be thankful for what you already have so that more of it comes to you. Invite abundance into your life by showing gratitude 

Get Started Now: 

  1. Keep a gratitude journal. Every day, write down 5-10 things that you are grateful for. Do this first thing in the morning, or at the end of the day – or both! Keep track of what makes you smile and you will be smiling more often.
  2. Have a gratitude buddy. Find a friend with whom to cultivate abundance. Connect once a day exchange gratitude lists. Sometimes seeing what someone else is grateful for makes you realize how truly blessed you are.
  3. Find the good in everything. Challenge yourself to see abundance in any situation, even those you don’t like or want to change. Practice gratitude when it seems the most difficult. Stuck in line at the DMV? Look for the blessing – it’s always there. Is it the adorable baby smiling over his momma’s shoulder as she waits in front of you? Say a private ‘thank you’ for whatever you can find. Press yourself. Don’t give up on this one. You may be surprised by what you find.


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