Understanding Reiki: How Long-Distance Energy Healing Can Help with Everyday Issues

Have you ever wondered what a long-distance Reiki session might feel like?

It’s different for everyone, but generally you can expect to feel great. Peaceful, happy, calm, even sleepy. And from a healing standpoint, Reiki can be pretty miraculous.

When combined with crystals, we have Intuitive Energy Healing. 

Approaching Intuitive Energy Healing with a goal is great; expecting certain outcomes may end with disappointment. The best way to enjoy Reiki and crystal healing is to remain open and see where it goes. Reiki is smart, crystals are smart, the body is smart. All we need to do is open up and let the energy flow. 


For me, Reiki arrives with a hefty dose of intuitive information. Certain messages, phrases, images, or details will jump out at me, often seeming so strange I question whether it’s worth writing down. Please note: It’s always worth writing down. 

Last week, I was in session with Marion, a life coach. She was a new client and had shared almost no information with me before our Intuitive Energy Healing session. At one point during the long-distance treatment, I felt a strong pull to sit down (which I rarely do), and then I felt an even stronger pull to lay down (which I do even more rarely). I questioned myself: “Why lay down? I can’t do that, I might fall asleep!” But I trusted my intuition and laid down for a few moments. 

Immediately I felt as though Marion was laying on a clear glass examining table above me, her back perpendicular to me. I was laying down a few feet under the table, giving me an entirely new perspective on her body. It all made sense once I checked in with Marion after our session. 

Read on to find what I wrote to Marion, and her response to me:

Judy: The first thing I sensed was a need for grounding at your feet. It felt like you were being pulled upwards very strongly, like a strong connection to spirit, but perhaps were not as grounded to mother earth.

Are you having back pain or soreness? All along your back and along your spine I felt a need for healing. I used Pink, Yellow, and Orange Calcite stones here to bring healing, regeneration, and increasing physical strength.

I also sensed that you may benefit from spending more time in nature. To get the fresh air in your lungs and reconnect to spirit under the stars or sun. 

Be sure to drink lots of water to help the Reiki move through you, and rest if needed.  


Marion: Oh wow. I will write more tomorrow but let’s just say we were tuned in and you are amazing. Intuitive and an incredible healer.

Yes grounding. Before our session I had been talking with a coaching buddy about how lately I feel more in tune to spirit around me and oneness and love. And yes, I totally forgot about my feet on the ground.

In my coaching, my intuition has been growing which I love. 

And my dang back! It has been a real challenge. I keep trying to get back in shape and after a good month working out, each time I have done something to wrench my already tight back. And not while exercising, but it usually takes a long time to recover before I can start again. Kind of frustrating. So thank you for working on it. I am pain free today. 

And I was so freaking thirsty yesterday I had to get up in the night and drink 3 glasses of water. I wish I would have done that earlier.

Ah-ha! So that’s why I needed to lay down: To see her back because it really was calling out for healing! All of that from a long-distance intuitive energy healing session on a  complete stranger 3 time zones away. If I didn’t do it myself, I’m not sure I would even believe it.

Reiki is a wonderful healer.
It’s easy to underestimate, but when you
experience it for yourself – you just know.

I am so thankful for these gifts of healing. Thank you for reading and supporting Love Tweal! To book your own Reiki session with me, click here.

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Understanding Reiki: How Long-Distance Energy Healing Can Help with Everyday Issues — 2 Comments

  1. Long distance healing and all these reiki practices are believed to be worked usually for the people who keep faith on these kinds of spiritual facts. Faith plays a key role in the effectiveness of these methods.

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