Intuition at the Crystal Store: How I Found My Cats

Remember the story about my special Tiger Eye?

Well, it’s not my only cat stone. I have 2 other special Cat Stones. 

Cat Stones

 Lion Skin Jasper and Leopard Skin Jasper.

They’re both fairly new to my crystal and gemstone collection. Until I found them while randomly browsing a local shop a few months ago, I’d never even heard of them before. I just love when that happens.

The Leopard Skin Jasper caught my eye because of its striking resemblance to the Rhodonite I had already chosen earlier that day. I can’t resist an intriguing appearance. And once it was in my hand, the Leopard Skin Jasper just felt like it belonged to me. 

Next, I noticed the beautiful Lion Skin Jasper. So golden, so special. I held onto a few pieces, but my practical mind began to argue – “You don’t need Lion Skin if you’re getting Leopard Skin. There’s no need for both. How many cat stones do you need?” Pesky little conscience, stop interfering with my intuition!

So I asked the girl working – “What’s the difference between these 2 stones? I will be using them for Intuitive Energy Healing – Do I need both?”

Her answer was simple: “They’re different stones with different purposes and properties. Other than both being Jasper, they’re not that similar. Do you work with cats?”

This made me think. Do I work with cats? No, I work with humans, and dogs. So far, anyway. I guess I’m open to working with cats, I just haven’t yet. 

I answered her: “No I don’t work with cats. Just humans and dogs for now.” 

We chatted a bit more, and I decided to buy both the Lion Skin and the Leopard Skin. They felt right in my hands, my intuition was making a strong case, and who am I to argue with that?

Upon researching once home, I found some surprising news about my new stones: the Lion Skin Jasper was actually probably a form of Tiger Eye.
Tiger Eye!

And not only does it enhance psychic ability (which I always appreciate!), Lion Skin is earthy, balancing, and calming. Yes, please.

So that’s why it felt so important to bring home. And silly me – Do I work with cats? No, but there is a huge Tiger behind my right shoulder who helps me with Reiki and life in general. 

Duh. Of course I ‘work with cats’.

Add to this that Leopard Skin Jasper is reputed to be the best stone for telepathic communication with cats and I’d say it was a pretty successful trip to the gemstone store.

So what’s the moral of this story?
Buy the stones that you feel you need to buy.
Even if you can’t figure it out in the moment, go with your gut.
It won’t steer you wrong. 

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