Can You Guess What Crystals a Healer Would Bring to A Pow Wow?

Have you ever been to a traditional Pow Wow?

It’s quite an experience, with bright colours, drumming and dancing, smokey smudge-filled air, lots of people, and strong energy.

I can’t think of a better place to spend a late-summer afternoon.

Never one to arrive unprepared, I attended my last pow wow with a specially blended Pow Wow Gemstone Power Pack around my neck. It was similar to my Dog Park Power Pack.

Pow Wow

Choosing crystals and gemstones for a specific purpose is always fun. Sometimes I know why I choose a particular stone, and sometimes I am going purely on intuition.

This little Pow Wow Gemstone Power Pack was a good mix of both intentional and intuitively chosen. 

Pow Wow 2

Here’s what I brought with me and why:

Tiger Eye – Carried as a symbol of My Tiger, one of my Reiki guides who is always with me. 

Septarian Nodule – A recently acquired symbol of my other totem animal, the Turtle. 

Orange Kyanite – Strengthens intuition and amplifies other surrounding stones and energies.

Tree Agate – Another new stone which I knew nothing about but felt guided to bring. Upon research afterwards, I found it’s used to deepen the connection to Mother Earth. Pretty appropriate for a pow wow.

Shiva Lingam – Represents male and female/masculine and feminine, and carries the resonance of all five elements (earth, fire, water, air, and stone).  

Tibetan Quartz – Brings patience, intuition, bright healing energy, and amplification of surrounding energies.

These stones remained in my little fabric pouch around my neck throughout the pow wow (except for brief periods of holding my Septarian Nodule). Having them so close to my heart brought me a sense of peace and connectedness that I greatly appreciated. And what a great way to get to know my stones on a deeper level – the more I use them, the better I know them.  

Never underestimate the power of a gemstone.
They’re much more than meets the eye. 

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