Guess Who I Met? One of My Reiki Guides Is Actually Pretty Furry

Have I told you about my tiger?

I don’t think I have. It’s kind of a long story but I’m going to try and make it snappy. Wish me luck.

Ok. Tigers. 

I’ve always thought tigers were cool but honestly – I didn’t really give them much thought. Other than having a lifelong dream to pet a tiger’s wide, fuzzy nose. 

A few months ago I picked up this gorgeous Tiger Eye stone. Like most of my gemstones and crystals, I chose it because of how pretty it is, not because I went looking for it, or really even knew anything about it when I got it.
It just landed in my hand and wanted to stay there.

Tiger's Eye

When I attended my Reiki Level 2 workshop, I happened to bring along my Tiger Eye, along with some other special crystals and stones nestled in my darling little pouch next to my heart. 

Throughout the entire Reiki workshop, I sat across from a book on a shelf with a spine that read ‘the Art of Shapeshifting’. I was intrigued. Shapeshifting. Shifting shapes. Huh.


During one of our many meditations that weekend, I met one of my Reiki guides. This was a first for me. 

I was expecting a person. And if you really want to know – I was expecting an old-time quilter lady with a big skirt and wide hips and a earthy, motherly presence. Doesn’t she sound great? Yep I thought so too. But I didn’t meet her. Not yet anyway. 

Instead, I saw a tiger. A big-ass tiger.

I didn’t quite believe it at first. I really expected a person and I did see one, just a glimpse from the feet to the neck, standing next to the chair where I was waiting for my Reiki guide to sit down.

And then – poof! A tiger in the chair. A big-ass tiger. My tiger.

Immediately following that meditation, I researched the meaning behind tiger totems in Animal Speak by Ted Andrews and was pretty much blown away. 

Could it be – was one of my Reiki guides a tiger? How interesting. A plot twist for sure. And who was that person briefly standing next to the chair? That’s another story for another time.

When I told my Reiki class partners about my vision, they asked what kind of tiger I’d seen. I wasn’t sure – I didn’t know the differences between them. Sarah, our Reiki teacher, grabbed a book and showed my the cover, and there he was: my tiger.

Guess what cover? The Art of Shapeshifting by Ted Andrews. Yep, the same book whose spine I’d been curiously eyeing all weekend has a big-ass tiger on the cover. 

Oh, and did I mention that I was sitting on my picnic blanket quilt that whole weekend….the one that is covered in little squares of tiger fabric? Yeah, that one. 

Tiger quilt

Fast-forward to today. I’m out shopping. And despite spending the last month browsing for something with a tiger on it – something uniquely, awesomely ME – I’d come up empty-handed. Imagine my surprise when I spotted across the store one grey sweatshirt with a tiger’s face on it. But not in my size. Win/lose. 

I snapped up the top anyway, excited that I’d finally found something with a tiger on it, and even if it’s not my size, it’s a sign, right? I silently asked to find my very own tiger top, and I kept browsing. 

Well. Sometimes we do get what we ask for.

Not 5 minutes after verbalizing my desire for tiger treasures, I found this white tank top with a tiger on it. In my size. For $13. 

Ask For

Feeling victorious, I strolled over to the mirror to try on the tank over my existing shirt. It looks great! And who has time for changing rooms anyway?

Then I see it – the grey tiger sweatshirt in all the sizes. All.The.Sizes.Including my size. I try it on – and it looks and feels great too! Yahoo!

Needless to say, I brought both tops home with me
for a winning 2 tiger tops in 10 fun-filled minutes.

I debated the purchase. Do I need more clothing? No. NO. Do I normally wear tops with animal faces on them? Again, double No. But I can’t ignore these kind of signs. I asked for a tiger and I got 2. The world works in mysterious ways and who am I to argue?

Now that’s what I call a successful shopping trip.


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Guess Who I Met? One of My Reiki Guides Is Actually Pretty Furry — 1 Comment

  1. Love this! I’ve been connected to a big loving elephant who I often ride when I’m going to meet someone in my in my meditations. I feel safe and loved on her… and I later found that elephants represent maternal energy so the safety I feel when riding on her makes perfect sense.

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