Crystals Can Help Dogs (and Humans) Get Along Better

If you didn’t already know, I really love my dog Bodhi.

 Fluffy Cartoon DogHe’s 3 years old, living with us almost 2 years.
What a life changer he has been.

Although he’s a very good boy inside the house and on the leash, sometimes he can get a bit wacky when taken off-leash outdoors. It’s something we’ve been working on since we got him, and while the progress has been slow, the results are finally showing up. 

One of the best helpers has been a rubber frisbee. Like most dogs, our Black Lab LOVES to chase it. Boy can he run

The other major helper has been….Energy, Reiki, and Intention! Seriously, wait ’til you read this.

Yesterday, we decided to take Bodhi to the off-leash dog park after a couple-month absence. The last time we went he got a little crazy and it wasn’t a pleasant experience. But there was no nervousness allowed this time: that would only harm the situation. This time, we needed to really play it cool and stay in control.  

So – I sent Reiki to Bodhi, Reiki to myself and my husband, and Reiki to the dog park long before we got there. I also packed my little drawstring pouch full of super special crystals and gemstones to further help our efforts.

Dog Park Power Pack

Guess what? Best. Dog-Park. Trip. Ever

For real, the best ever. Bodhi was the most well-behaved I have ever seen him. He played with other dogs, chased his frisbee, ate some grass, made some friends, and even responded to “Leave it” every.single.time. No barking, no biting, no jumping, no aggression, no bullying. He came when called, paid attention to our whereabouts, and went back on-leash with no resistance or trouble at all. He was a total doggy gem. 

At one point, Bodhi and I were walking through the field as he led me to the frisbee, and I thought “This is what I’ve been wanting – a nice, well behaved dog who can hang out with me in nature and just be cool.”

And looky here – I got what I asked for. Now isn’t that a great feeling. 

Both my husband and I were pretty amazed and grateful for such an amazing dog park visit. It was better than we imagined. 

Can I totally credit the crystals, gemstones, and Reiki for the success of our dog-park visit? Of course not – we’ve also been training Bodhi for almost 2 years, and he’s maturing out of his puppy stage. Plus we walked him for about 15 minutes before the dog park. But. I know my dog and even with those considerations, that was truly spectacular behaviour on his part. It didn’t just happen. 

Animals are very sensitive to energy and my Bodhi is no exception – he happens to love Reiki, and he always gets a chance to ‘meet’ my new crystals and gemstones, greeting each with a sniff (and sometimes a lick!). By bringing certain animal-friendly stones with me, I encouraged Bodhi and the other dogs to respond to my intentions and be on their best behaviours. And they all were. Timber was a particularly lovely Doberman who enjoyed chasing Bodhi and trying to steal his frisbee; puppy love at its best.  

I set the intention to have a great visit at the dog park, I used Reiki to amplify my intentions, I wore specific crystals and gemstones to support the energy of my intention, and I approached the situation with complete confidence and trust.

Bingo! I won. We won. It worked!

This was the first of many amazingly fun and positive dog-park visits. Soon, we will be able to take him off-leash anywhere, any time – even lakes! I just know we can do it. 

Here’s what I brought with me and why:



Rainbow Obsidian: A gentler obsidian
with strong protective properties.
Absorbs negative energy and
draws off stress from body. 


Orange Kyanite



Orange Kyanite: Strengthens intuition
and amplifies other surrounding
stones and energies.





Pink Botswana Agate: 
Increases self-confidence.



Dalmation Jasper


Dalmation Jasper: 
Encourages a determination to succeed. Calming stone, good for working with animals, increases telepathic
communication with animals.
Grounding and intuitive. 


Tibetan Quartz


Tibetan Quartz: 
Kindness, patience, intuition, 
bright healing energy.






Citrine: Abundance!  




*Confession: I briefly thought of bringing Le
opard Skin Jasper or Lion Skin Jasper, both stones to help with cat energy, just to see what happens. But. Do I really want to mess with that? Is a dog park the best place to wear cat stones? Probably not. But it would be a cool experiment.*

That is just one way I use Reiki and crystals in my everyday life, but there are so many other applications.  

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Crystals Can Help Dogs (and Humans) Get Along Better — 3 Comments

  1. I love crystals, stones, shells, all things natural, but when it comes to crystals, I don’t know what to buy. It all seems a little overwhelming to me.

    • Taryn, I know how you feel! It is totally overwhelming. My technique is to choose what catches my eye, what really calls out to me, the prettiest or most interesting stones. Often I have no idea what they are or why I might want them, but once I get home and read up, it’s always exactly the stone I needed to choose! Go with your intuition and you may just end up with a lovely collection in no time.
      Judy recently posted…A New DirectionMy Profile

  2. OMG!!! First of all, you dog Bodhi looks almost exactly like my Apollo (check him out on my instagram: jennykarthik). He’s so sweet.

    Also, I’m taking my first degree reiki course this winter and I’m loving the advice for reiki towards your pup & also your stones. Thanks for sharing 😉

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