Five Life Lessons Learned From A Dog

Dogs are awesome. Agree?

Beyond their adorable furry faces, dogs have a lot to teach us. I call them ‘Angels in Fur Suits’, and for good reason: Dogs can change how you see the world, if you let them. 

Here are Five Life Lessons Learned From A Dog: 

Pee on it

1. Share Your Excitement

When a dog is excited – about anything – it’s pretty easy to tell. Not only that, it’s infectious. Whether the excitement comes from waking up and finding special people nearby, or getting a nice belly rub at just the right moment, or finding a yummy treat where you weren’t expecting it, excitement is meant to be shared. Do everyone a favour and celebrate your success and share that excitement. It makes us all feel better.  


2. Eat With Joy

Whether a dog is eating yummy gourmet food, or a piece of garbage in the street (it happens!), it is eaten with joy. Dogs don’t eat out of obligation, and they only eat what they really want to. While us humans may not want to eat as quickly or as indiscriminately as dogs, we could benefit from adopting the same attitude with which dogs eat: Happily, gratefully, completely in the moment, and without regret. 


3. Make Friends Everywhere

If you’ve ever spent time with dogs, you’ll know how easily they make friends (well, most of them). On sidewalks, at the park, especially in elevators! They give (almost) everyone a fair chance at being their friend, and they’re very affectionate with those they really like. Dogs don’t hide how they feel about you, and they don’t show off for your ego. They just like making friends so they do it everywhere they go. Why not?


4. Trust Your Instincts

Instincts serve a purpose, and life is much easier when we begin to trust our instincts and intuitive nudges. If something makes you want to bark and go crazy, bark and go crazy. And if it makes you just want to jump in and wag your tail, do that too. Some things don’t need more of an explanation; they just need action on instincts. Trust them and they will serve you well. 


5. Get Over It

Yep, I said it. Whatever is bugging you, whatever your story is, whatever you’ve been going on about that’s keeping you busy while robbing you of an actual Life – Get Over It. Life gives you new chances over and over, so go on and take one. In the end, it’s up to you to make yourself happy. If you can’t eat it or play with it; pee on it, kick grass over it, and move on.

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